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Golden Crisis Fortnight

After the Princeton week and a little bit of sniffing around the OG11 ( DS, PS) came a gigantic 'work canon' and a vistor called sickness.
What ? Two 65 hour a weeks( yeah! that is what happens when one is 'on-call' and the servers and applications are just not in the mood be being obedient.Every one from the servers to mainframes as well as the applications freaked out ). I was serveraly demoralised with the GMAT prep and way it was shaping up. Except for a bit of forum visits and couple of SC, nothing substantial happened. The weekends were no better. Slept like any animal could ! ( when i should have ideally written a Princeton test)
This week looks better. Have began with some RC and hope it continues.
Not to mention, work and GMAT are indeed a tough combination. And to add to that here are deadlines and a miniscule 'morale thing'. The equation is hard to balance.
